Netflix Survival Depends on Growth
Check out this interview where I expand on the two big reasons Netflix will need to grow – shrinking eyeballs & fierce competition….
Check out this interview where I expand on the two big reasons Netflix will need to grow – shrinking eyeballs & fierce competition….
My conversation with Adweek on the challenge Victoria’s Secret faces in keeping the edgy sexiness that has differentiated the brand in the past, reimagined for the modern woman. Read more here….
Turning to TV and streaming platforms still makes sense in my conversation with Digiday “When you’re trying to get something new across, TV is still a better medium for explaining a new idea – ITV is a better vehicle for Read more…
Read more on how the impact of a new ruling will allow NCAA student athletes to earn money from their own name, image and likeness. As I explain to reporter John Corrigan how “Social media will play a huge factor, Read more…
In my latest article for Forbes I discuss the trials involved in renaming the Washington Football team and why “Coming up with a list of names, will get you to the 20-yard line. For a touchdown, the greater challenges is Read more…
Staying relevant in a fast-paced environment and with your consumers will determine how well you flourish as a brand. The question is…how do you stay relevant? In this episode, we talk about this and more with Allen Adamson, co-founder of Read more…
Allen Adamson, co-founder of Metaforce, a marketing strategy and activation firm, called Best Buy Beta “a really smart idea.” That’s because it provides some differentiation in the consumer electronics market, which is otherwise just about finding the lowest price online and Read more…
“It’s a bit back to the future,” said Allen Adamson, co-founder of Metaforce, a marketing strategy and activation firm, adding that Procter & Gamble pioneered the soap opera in the ’50s and ’60s sponsoring shows like The Guiding Light and Read more…
“Burger King tried too hard to be clever,” said Allen Adamson, co-founder of Metaforce, co-founder of Metaforce, a marketing strategy and activation firm. “The challenge with a Tweet is that it’s not the beginning of the conversation, it’s the entire Read more…
“This is a really smart move for Hasbro,” said Allen Adamson, co-founder of Metaforce, co-founder of Metaforce, a marketing strategy and activation firm. “I think this change shows Hasbro is not just taking care of old brands and trying to Read more…